REVIEW Big Day Out 1997

The first Big Day Out I ever attended – tickets were just $69.50 (an absolute bargain, by today’s standard). I went to the concert with my friend David Rummery – we decided to get dressed up for the occasion, so I was wearing black shorts, a black X Files t-shirt (which I loved), and my beloved Converse skate shoes (even though I can’t skate). As well as all that, I had half my hair dyed bright red. I looked like an idiot. But I can remember seeing the following bands:

48 Minutes

If there is one thing The Warehouse does exceptionally well, it would be having specials on DVDs. For example, on Saturday I went to The Warehouse to pick up a lay-by I had there and thought ‘I know – I’ll check out the DVDs and CDs.’ I could’ve spent my entire pay check there, but decided not to – instead, spending just $60.00 buying the extended edition of The Return of the King.

GAME REVIEW NBA Live 2005 (rel: 2004)

The NBA Live series of EA Sports games have been my favorite for many years (I can remember playing NBA Live 1995 against my friend Dave, on a Sega Mega Drive, no less) so every year I check out the newest NBA Live game to see if it is worth upgrading – I bought NBA Live 2001, and upgraded again last year with NBA Live 2004 (which, in retrospect was a mistake, since there are several huge changes in NBA Live 2005, some of which include:

GAME REVIEW Half-Life 2 (2004)

Well, Half Life 2 has been a long time coming — in fact, I saw a promotional video for the game sometime during the middle of last year; it was meant to be released in November 2003 but wasn’t; was rumoured to be released in June 2004 but wasn’t; and was again delayed for a short time prior to its release on November 16th 2004. On November 21st I finally got a copy of it and have plenty to say.

MOVIE REVIEW The Forgotten (2004)

par·am·ne·sia (prm-nzh) n.

– A distortion of memory in which fantasy and objective experience are confused.

Such is the basis of the movie The Forgotten, starring Julianne Moore, Dominic West, Linus Roache and Gary Sinise, and directed by Joseph Ruben (whose previous best movie was 1995’s Money Train).

Memories Of 9/11

Its funny how you can remember exact details about certain events. I can remember every single event up until I went to sleep the night my daughter was born in March 2001. The morning in June 2003 when I was saved, I can remember every detail about that. Yet, I can’t remember exactly what went down on the weekend – not because I was under the influence of anything, or because I was asleep, but because it just doesn’t matter.

MOVIE REVIEW The Butterfly Effect (2004)

Its been said that when a butterfly flaps its wings, somewhere in the world a typhoon is started. This sounds like absolute gibberish to me, however The Butterfly Effect takes the core principle here (“change one thing, change everything”) and uses it to great effect.

MOVIE REVIEW Secret Window (2004)

Secret Window caps off the third film in a row where Johnny Depp is absolutely fantastic in the role that he plays (following Pirates of the Caribbean and Once Upon A Time In Mexcio) – this time around he plays author Mort Rainey, who is being stalked by a crazed man (played by a fantastic John Turturro (who played the butler in Mr Deeds)) who claims that he has stolen one of his stories.

MOVIE REVIEW Paycheck (2004)

Paycheck is directed by John Woo (director of Mission Impossible 2 and Face/Off) and is pretty much standard fare for him, with the exception that the storyline is absolutely fantastic – Ben Affleck stars as Michael Jennings, an engineer who does ‘reverse development’ (that is, he takes existing technology, and takes it apart, then puts it together again, in order to sell it to his employers as ‘original’ technology).


Since I couldn’t think of anything else to write, heres a list of ten movies where one of the characters is either a) crazy, or b) goes crazy. Please be aware that comedies did not count (since all the characters in a comedy are crazy). Without further ado …

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