After the showing of episode 1 of Lost series 2 last night, I thought it pertinent to say something, especially since I am the self-titled King of Lost. Okay, thats a little dramatic, but Lost was even more dramatic – a few things I noticed …
As a throwback to my first year at Parachute (2004) I found myself travelling to Hamilton on the morning of the event – this time, however, I was not by myself, having caught a ride with Nat Young, a friend of mine, and co-media representative. What happened? Well, here goes …
4 out of 5 stars
Okay, I’ll ask: is this the missing link between The Strokes’ first and second albums? The difference, musically speaking, between 2001’s Is This It? and 2003’s Room on Fire is huge, but First Impressions of Earth seems to fill the gap quite nicely, fitting in perfectly as a step from one to the other, despite following them both.
3.5 out of 5 stars
I’ve never really had any interest in Australian bands, partly because of a bad experience as a teenager (don’t ask). So when Bondi-based trio Cog’s debut album The New Normal crossed my desk, expectations were understandably not very high. Boy do I love it when I’m proven wrong!
1.5 out of 5 stars
I’d like to think I’m fairly open-minded. So when I came across the debut album from a band called Clap Your Hands Say Yeah, I had to have a listen.
So by now I know you’re all wondering how exactly I’m planning to spend my weekend down at Parachute – what bands I’m going to see, how I’m going to get back and forward to each of the major stages, and (most importantly) when I’ll be able to fit any meals in.
Well, either that, or you’re wondering why I’m so self-obsessed that I would want to tell you all about my weekend.
2.5 out of 5 stars
It would be easy to put Pete Murray in a box titled ‘Jack Johnson wannabes’ and let him hang out with Donovan Frankenreiter for the rest of his days, but unfortunately See The Sun, Murray’s second album, doesn’t allow us that luxury.
3.5 out of 5 stars
You may recognize James Blunt from your local radio station – currently, he’s the one they play 200 times a day, singing ‘You’re Beautiful’ to some unknown lady-friend he probably met during his days in the army.
4 out of 5 stars
Glasgow quartet Franz Ferdinand struck gold in late 2003 when they released their debut single Take Me Out, and followed it up with their debut self-titled album. Its fair to say that, if acts like White Stripes or The Strokes pioneered it, then Franz Ferdinand’s debut album perfected the dance-rock style.
Let me start by saying this: The Lord of the Rings is the best movie trilogy of all time. It represents a coming together of the perfect story, the perfect script, the perfect director to make the films, the perfect cast all suited to their roles, the perfect technology becoming available (or being developed) on cue, and all coming together at the perfect time.