It’s possible that I might just be growing out of these sorts of movies, that the novelty might be wearing off, that I might be seeing through the computer effects in search of a more deep and meaningful viewing experience..
Well, it finally happened last night: the first series of Lost came to an end with not one but TWO bangs, and left the majority of the viewers … err … I guess confused is the right word to use here?
The debate about life on other planets has been raging since the earliest days of astrology, when men looked to the stars and attempted perceive of their own importance, and the vastness of the universe around us. Mankind looked to Mars, and Venus, our closest planetary neighbours and wondered “what if …”.
You always hear about the biggest artists in the world – like ACDC and the Rolling Stones having a concert in Toronto with over 500,000 people in attendance, or Michael Jackson selling 27,000,000 copies of his album Thriller, or David Bowie having one of the highest grossing tours of all time. But being big enough to affect the business efforts of a record label the size of EMI? It sounds unlikely.
If there was a general rule of thumb which could be applied to superhero movies of any kind, it would be this: the story about how they became who they are, or what they go through when they aren’t their alter-ego, is always a better story than one about how they kicked some dudes ass. Take Spiderman 1 (and, to a lesser extent, Spiderman 2) for example: great human stories, centred on Peter Parker, as well as great action movies. Take Daredevil: a decent story about how Matt Murdock became Daredevil (in fact, DD was unlucky, in that they got lumped with Ben “I Shouldn’t Be A Lead Actor” Affleck – anyone else plays Daredevil, and a few other tweaks, and you got yourself a movie baby). Take Batman Begins.
As you probably have heard, Mr and Mrs Smith is the new film starring Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, in which they play spy’s who end up married to each other, after a chance meeting in Columbia. The thing is neither one knows the other is a spy – and this lack of knowledge about the others’ secret lives is absolutely destroying their marriage.
Its been a solid 2 years since System of a Down released anything to the public, but their latest release, Mezmerize, was worth the wait. The thing is, its not worth it for the reasons you would think – and this isn’t the System of a Down you rocked out to 2 years ago.
Within the first 15 minutes of Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy – the new movie directed by Garth Jennings and based on the book by Douglas Adams – I had already decided that this movie was fantastic.
Head Automatica is the [apparently] much anticipated collaboration of vocalist Daryl Palumbo (formerly of hardcore band Glassjaw), and electronic whiz Dan ‘The Automator’ Nakamura (formerly of Handsome Boy Modelling School and Gorillaz). Their debut album, ‘Decadence’, was released in the States in August 2004.
… a guy gets into a taxi, and says “Hey, I need to make 6 stops – if I pay you $600, will you drive me around all night?” … I know it sounds like the start of a joke, but this is the very serious premise of Collateral, starring Tom Cruise and Oscar-nominated Jamie Foxx, with a fantastic supporting cast including Peter Berg, Jada Pinkett Smith, Mark Ruffalo, Bruce McGill and Javier Bardem.