Determined to put the past behind me, and on my own for the first time ever, I headed to Auckland for my 6th consecutive Big Day Out. It was a pretty good day in all. Even though nothing much happened.
Tag: review
Just another standard day at the Big Day Out – this year I went along with my sister, and my buddy Nate again. Not too much transpired – except for when my wallet got lost with $200 cash inside it. I was pretty hungry and thirsty for the rest of the day. Oh – and it rained, which sucked.
Possibly the weirdest BDO I’ve been to – absolutely nothing of any particular note happened, except for during Limp Bizkit’s set where they had stop to get some poor girl out from in the mosh pit. 2001 was the year when a girl had a heart attack in Sydney during Limp Bizkit’s set, and they had to take the Bizkit off the rest of the tour circuit, for safety reasons.
To bring in the millennium, Big Day Out got a whole heap more international acts, and tried its damnedest to give us the best BDO ever – and they almost pulled it off. One funny encounter that happened this year: we (me, my sister and my ex-girlfriend) ran into Jon Bridges (of Ice TV fame) again. He didn’t remember us though. I also fell over twice in the moshpit … read on:
In 1998, the Big Day Out took a break, but in 1999 it was back with a vengeance, with 3 of the biggest acts of 1998 in tow. This years BDO was highlighted by the fact that we (as in me, my sister, and my ex-girlfriend) met Jon Bridges (who was hosting Ice TV at the time), and talked to him for a while, and also by the fact that I sat and talked to the singer of one of the bands for a while – I just can’t remember which band it was. Some of the musical highlights:
The first Big Day Out I ever attended – tickets were just $69.50 (an absolute bargain, by today’s standard). I went to the concert with my friend David Rummery – we decided to get dressed up for the occasion, so I was wearing black shorts, a black X Files t-shirt (which I loved), and my beloved Converse skate shoes (even though I can’t skate). As well as all that, I had half my hair dyed bright red. I looked like an idiot. But I can remember seeing the following bands:
Paycheck is directed by John Woo (director of Mission Impossible 2 and Face/Off) and is pretty much standard fare for him, with the exception that the storyline is absolutely fantastic – Ben Affleck stars as Michael Jennings, an engineer who does ‘reverse development’ (that is, he takes existing technology, and takes it apart, then puts it together again, in order to sell it to his employers as ‘original’ technology).
Well, I finally got to see the best movie of the year last night (no, I didn’t go and see 13 Going on 30).
I, Robot stars Will Smith (… good!) and Bridget Moynahan (… bad …) and about a million robots – and if you think I’m joking, you need to go and see the movie. The robots were real!
The first time I saw Shrek (the movie, not the sheep) I was entirely surprised by what I saw. I was not expecting to see one of the funniest movies around.
The premise of The Day After Tomorrow is a simple one – the polar ice caps melt, causing the oceans temperature to drop considerably, in turn causing nasty storms (and other weather phenomenon) and bringing the world into a new Ice Age.