Tag: parachute festival

The Parachute Running Diary: Sunday

Sunday at Parachute is usually the make or break day for Parachute, as this is the day when things come together before the packing up and leaving of the Monday. Its also the day when the biggest worship band in the world plays. This year its Delirious? who have just released new album The Mission Bell. Would their live show back up their great new CD? Read on …

The Parachute Running Diary: Saturday

As you may know, Parachute Saturday is the most exciting day of the festival – its the day when you start to really explore the site and find all the different little things all over the place. Its also the day when the main CCM bands play, and tonight it was Anberlin and Day of Fire to get the crowd pumping. Did they manage it? Did they play well? Read on …

Parachute Festival 2005 – SUNDAY, MONDAY


Having slept through the morning meeting for the second consecutive morning, I decided to make my way to the Parachute Music store and have a look around for CDs and stuff – I decided to buy Detour 180’s new album, ‘Fighting For You’ (review is forthcoming, as I’m not sure what to think about it yet) for myself, and I was going to buy the latest CD by a band called Underoath, for Harley – when I got to the store, I was dismayed to find that Underoath was sold out – so I texted Harley and asked him to call me when he got a chance, thinking he would be in church (since it was around 10am). I went to the t-shirt table (where they were selling band t-shirts – and I thought about buying a black and pink Day of Fire t-shirt for 0.003 seconds) and suddenly my phone went off.

Parachute Festival 2005 – SATURDAY

Last years showers were fairly good, so I thought I would do a quick review on this years showers. So here it is: Cold, low pressure, and cramped – but the line moved quickly and I felt refreshed afterwards, so it was all good.

Parachute Festival 2005 – THURSDAY, FRIDAY


Having left town on Thursday evening, Nat, James and myself were travelling in Nat’s car, while Seth, Ruth and Kayte were in Seth’s car, and on the Brynderwyn hills we left them behind – eventually stopping on the North Shore at Wendy’s for some dinner (I had the Big Bacon Classic – absolute perfection). While we were there, James suddenly started grinning, and kind of laughing. Wondering what was up, Nat and I started questioning him – as it turns out, he had written himself a list of things to take with him, one of which was his tickets. When we asked where his tickets are now, he replied that they were on his chest of drawers in his room.

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