4 out of 5 stars

Glasgow quartet Franz Ferdinand struck gold in late 2003 when they released their debut single Take Me Out, and followed it up with their debut self-titled album. Its fair to say that, if acts like White Stripes or The Strokes pioneered it, then Franz Ferdinand’s debut album perfected the dance-rock style.

That trend only continues with You Could Have It So Much Better, Franz Ferdinand’s spectacular sophomore album.

Once again the songs are catchy, infectious and impossible to resist, like first single, and top track, Do You Want To, a song that deserves as much place in a nightclub as any dance track. The lyrics are witty, and worthy of a review by themselves.

You Could Have It So Much Better is much more dynamic than their previous effort, with styles ranging from acoustic ballad (Walk Away) to pseudo-folk music (Eleanor Put Your Boots On) to all out hard rock track (Evil And A Heathen). Other highlight tracks include This Boy and I’m Your Villain.

Overall, You Could Have It So Much Better is a perfectly created album, worthy of the high praise it has been receiving. Definitely one to get a hold of for any fan of good music.